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3. Reading

Read and translate the text:

Ukrainians in space engineering

S peaking about Ukrainians’ contribution into creation of rocket and space technology we should remember about scientific basis they used. This basis was created, in part, as early as in the 19th century by our compatriots. They were Olexander Zasyadko (1779-1834) , Kostyantyn Kostyantynov (born in 1817 or 1818), Mykola Kybalchych, who died at the age of 28, Kostyantyn Tsiolkovsky, who came from the glorious Cossacs family of Nalyvaiko, Yury Kondratyuk, who made calculations for the manned flight to the Moon. Americans used these calculations in 1969 when they sent their astronauts to the satellite.

S peaking about the development of rocket and space engineering in the former USSR, the world usually connects this with the name of Academician Serhiy Korolyov, an outstanding creator of the practical space engineering. Many people regard him as a representative of the Russian people. However, Serhiy Korolyov is a Ukrainian.

Mykhailo Yangel created a new direction and his own school in developing rocket and space equipment. He worked in Dnipropetrovsk at “Pivdenmash”.

Valentyn Hlushko was a general designer of rockets. Volodymyr Chelomey headed the creation of the carrier rockets.

  1. R eading comprehension

  1. Check () the questions you can answer after one reading. Then go back and look for the answers that you are unsure of.

  • What Ukrainian space engineers do you know?

  • What Ukrainian scientist died at the age of 28?

  • What can you say about Tsiolkovsky’s family?

  • Where did Americans send their astronauts in 1969?

  • Whose calculations did they use then?

  • What Ukrainian Academician do you know?

  • What nationality Serhiy Korolyov was?

  • What was Yangel famous for?

  1. Complete the sentences below with appropriate words:

  • In 1969 Americans sent their astronauts to the __________

  • Tsiolkovsky was born in the glorious _________ family of Nalyvaiko.

  • Volodymyr Chelomey was a designer of the_________ rockets.

  • Kostyantyn Kostyantynov was born in _________ or _________.

  • _________ was a great Ukrainian Academician.

  • _________ died in 1834.

  1. Match the words from the column a with the column b:


Volodymyr Chelomey


space equipment


Valentyn Hlushko


space engineering

Mykhailo Yangel



Serhiy Korolyov


carrier rockets

Yury Kondratyuk


space calculations

  1. Make the sentences true:

  • Valentyn Hlushko is Ukrainian Academician.

  • Mykhailo Yangel worked in Donetsk at “Pivdenmash”.

  • Kostyantyn Tsiolkovsky came from the glorious Cossacs family of Khmelnysky.

  • Many people regard Volodymyr Chelomey as a representative of the Russian people, however, he is a Ukrainian.

  • Yury Kondratyuk made calculations for the manned flight to the Venus.

E. Choose the right answer:

1. …………..is an outstanding creator of the practical space engineering.

Valentyn Hlushko b) Yury Kondratyuk c) Serhiy Korolyov

2. ………… created a new school in space engineering.

a)Valentyn Hlushko b) Mykhailo Yangel c) Serhiy Korolyov

3. ……………..was one of a line of Cossacs ancestry.

a) Kostyantyn Tsiolkovsky b) Mykhailo Yangel c) Serhiy Korolyov

4. …………….. was one of the youngest scientists in space engineering

a) Volodymyr Chelomey b) Olexander Zasyadko c) Mykola Kybalchych

5. ……………. worked in Dnipropetrovsk region.

a)Valentyn Hlushko b) Mykhailo Yangel c) Serhiy Korolyov

6. The carrier rocket is the creation of ………….. .

a) Volodymyr Chelomey b) Olexander Zasyadko c) Mykola Kybalchych

7. The name of ……….... was well-known in USSR and in the world.

a) Kostyantyn Tsiolkovsky b) Mykhailo Yangel c) Serhiy Korolyov